October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Empty chair 1The Greene County Coalition Against Domestic Violence kicked off National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, October, at the Greene County farmers market Tuesday evening.

An empty chair display, commemorating the 252 Iowans killed in acts of domestic violence since 1995, was placed at the southeast corner of the courthouse. The same display is at Greene County High School today, Oct. 1, and will be at the Greene County Community Center Oct. 9.

The total includes 171 women, 30 men, and 52 persons (gender not identified) who were killed as “bystanders” to the violent events. Twenty-five of those killed are children of adult victims. There are 277 surviving children of domestic violence deaths.

Empty chair 2The Greene County Coalition Against Domestic Violence seeks to increase awareness of domestic violence and proactively support consistent state and federal domestic violence laws, toward the goal of zero tolerance of domestic violence and offender accountability in Greene County.

Membership is open to any concerned citizen, as well as law enforcement, persons in the judicial system, clergy, teachers, and healthcare professionals.

Nationally, studies show that on average, nearly 20 people per minute are victims of physical violence by an intimate partner in the US. That equates to more than 10 million men and women per year.

A presidential proclamation signed by President Obama naming October as Domestic Violence Awareness month noted: “Domestic violence affects every American.  It harms our communities, weakens the foundation of our Nation, and hurts those we love most.  It is an affront to our basic decency and humanity, and it must end.  During National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we acknowledge the progress made in reducing these shameful crimes, embrace the basic human right to be free from violence and abuse, and recognize that more work remains until every individual is able to live free from fear.”

Click here to read the presidential proclamation of October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Proclamation

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